As you might have observed, most of my writings stem out of a personal encounter or experience, and the more I share/talk about them, the more conscious I am about the relevance and effects they've had in my life, and probably will have in yours as well. None of it is actually new to you. Maybe you just shoved them aside. Let's call it a ‘reminder’ to us - God is 'speakING' to you and I.
I sincerely hope it causes a change in your life, as it has already done in mine within the last few hours.
I got a text message yesterday reminding me of a bi-weekly meeting that was scheduled to hold in the church auditorium as against the usual 'in your area' meeting. As at the time I received the text, I was still in bed, undecided about how my day was going to start, let alone anticipating a desired ending. I was just there, thinking about so many things. I mean, don't we all just have that moment in our lives where we feel like doing absolutely nothing? We let our minds go on a misguided trip without our consent, and then it brings back so much unwanted castoffs that we find it difficult to ignore, handle or even filter them. (I'm sure you know what I mean).
My day eventually kicked off around noon, but it was a slow one. It was almost time for the meeting, but I totally forgot, cos I didn't even make up my mind to attend it, in the morning. I heard a knock on my door, and as I opened it, there stood my flatmate, asking me if I was going to church for the meeting. I reluctantly answered, cos I felt i could cover much of my academic work within those few hours I'd be in church. Some of us are yet to value the importance of 'fellowship' God will not equip you for yourself alone...He doesn't give us gifts/talents/skills/abilities just because he wants them to look good on us...he gives them to us so that we can be of benefit to others (You can call it iron sharpening iron).
I got dressed, and we both went to catch the bus. I can boldly say that the meeting caused a turn-around in my life. My eyes were opened to the power of sharing your testimony - telling your story. God has done so much for some of us, but it's not worth standing on the rooftop to share, simply because he's yet to do the ones we truly desire him to do. (That's an ungrateful heart right there) I heard people testify about God's goodness in their lives, and I was scared that I might have deprived someone of the benefits of sharing my testimony...I felt guilty cos I had categorized God's blessings into slightly small, small, slightly big, big and huge. (Some people actually specify the kinda testimony you can pick up the mic to share, but trust me, anything that was done NOT by your power, is a testimony). I heard some amazing testimonies about what God did in the lives of people, that evening. Not only did the testimonies blow my mind, the faith that the testifiers had in God, enough to trust him to move in their lives, was equally dumbfounding. This stirred up something within me.
This might not be new to some of you bible scholars, researchers or mystery-thirsty individuals, but I learnt that 'testimony' in hebrew, means 'to do again', and so I came to a conclusion that, we do not only share our testimonies to glorify/thank God for his goodness, or to encourage people to trust God more, but we share them because we want God to do more - to do again. We're simply saying "Lord, you provided a job and I'm grateful, but God, it isn't going to stop there, is it? Blow my mind again...I'm expectant...this can't be your best...I believe you have something bigger for me"
God has so many promises stored up for us, but we only access a few because we already have a whole lot of junk hanging on our shoulders, and we are not willing to let them go. I can imagine God asking "if you don't empty your bowl, how will I fill it up?" The psalmist said "you prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, and my cup runneth OVER" Right there for all to see! It runs over because it wasn't meant for the cup alone - it wasn't meant to ONLY fill the cup. God's blessings CANNOT be contained - it exposes itself beyond limits.
He blesses us so we can have to give. When he gives us, he doesn't expect us to hold back, not from him, not from anyone. A songwriter said "Pressed down, shaken together, running OVER, is the favour of God" Yes! That's one thing we need to remember (luke 6:38)
When you think 'God', think 'big' Think 'beyond measures' Think 'No impossibility' Think 'Running over' Think 'more than I can/will ever contain'
Don't deprive God of the glory in that so-called little testimony of yours, don't deprive people of the benefits of that 'slightly small' testimony of yours, and the encouragement they can garner from it, Don't hold back God's blessings - don't try to contain it, it was meant to spill. It can burst within you if you try to contain it, and I'm not guaranteeing that it won't hurt you.
What was once a blessing to you can end up killing you! (Ask saul) It’s really not about us. ALWAYS give glory to whom it’s due!
Just an illustration: Speaking of offering, the bible says “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (Malachi 3:10)
"Bring your tithes and offerings (I ain't preaching) into my store house, and I’ll bless you beyond what you can handle...beyond what you can contain" (paraphrased).
"You feel it when God fills you; when it spills, then the world sees it. God's blessings CANNOT be contained..." tiemTHINKS
Don't try to hide it. Let it flow. It was meant to spill! Tell your story. Share it. It will stir up something in someone else. No matter how paltry you think it may sound, It will provoke SOMEONE to trust God more...Above all, when you share it you're telling God "please, do it again, but this time around...bigger"!!!
Share the little one you have....there's more to come....
Work hard. Pray harder. Thank God!