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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Living Outside a Secure Terrain - L.O.S.T

There’s a feeling of loneliness…a feeling of abandonment (even though you try to bury it under a smile) when you go through stuff and those you used to think love you more than enough to take a bullet for you, suddenly walk away leaving you to your fate. Suddenly they become too busy to even pick your calls or reply your texts. At that point, you feel taking your own life would be justified, after all, who cares? Well, I’m sure you don’t expect me to say, “Yep, get a very strong rope, wrap around your neck, tie it to a pole, and jump off a high rise”? Maybe you’ve never found yourself in such a situation, but you’ve had someone approach you, saying “I have absolutely nothing else to live for. All I have is gone.” All you have might be gone, but you’re still living.

There’s a feeling of rejection…an ardent feeling of guilt resident in your heart because of one thing you did yesterday or the day before, or an addiction you can’t seem to have control over. Each time you engage yourself in that act, you feel like the filthiest or the most irresponsible person ever. It might not be morally disturbing to the ears, because of the kind of world we live in…but somehow you feel you’re doing something wrong. This guilt has built a fence around you, with spikes along its edges. It has caged you in, debarring you from sharing your ordeal with anyone for a shot at liberation. Every night you lock yourself indoors, weeping and magnifying the pain inside. Does this feeling sound any familiar? Look around you. You might just be far from Home.

Early this year, if someone walked up to me to say, “I see you wandering down the forbidden road” I would have sworn by my own grave that it wouldn’t happen, even if all hell broke loose! That response would probably lie between pride, confidence, or ignorance of how vulnerable and helpless I can be without God’s guidance. I don’t know where I would be without Him. On a second thought, I know – I’d be lost in sin…too far to make my way back without bruises and torn limbs, that’s if I ever make it back.

The devil knew how difficult and practically impossible it was to lay hold of Job, whilst God’s hedge surrounded him and everything he owned. There are some things we shouldn’t even wish for. There are some people we shouldn’t even wish to be like, cos we have no idea of what they lost to gain what they have; we have no idea of what they consciously sacrificed to get to where they are.

Staying within the hedge God has created around us is vital to our survival. Outside God’s camp, there’s no guarantee that you’ll return unharmed, so why take the risk?

It’s not safe out there. The TIME is nigh. We have to be vigilant. God’s hands extend to the ends of the earth, but we can still wander away from under his covering.

Even though God permitted the devil to do everything he wanted to all that Job had, the loss still affected Job. The devil is still prowling like a roaring lion, seeking for whom to devour. A metre away from God’s camp and you’ll become a potential prey. Our protection is in the Lord.
Everything above may not be applicable to you. Glory to God. But you might have noticed that some people are missing from camp. Help them navigate their way back. We ARE our Brothers' keeper.

Three of Seven prayers: Lord, I sometimes wander away from your presence, advertently or inadvertently. It could be fun outside the camp, you know? But I’ve come to realize that no form of pleasure outside your presence is worth the risk of getting lost in the world. We want to be where you are…dwelling in your presence and surrounded by your glory. Lord, protect us and our families. May we not be carried away by the pleasures of the world, that we forget who we are and who we belong to. Amen.

Work. Pray. be Thankful

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


"The soul that can speak through the eyes can also kiss with a gaze" - Gustavo Adolfo Becquer.
I'm not sure what really caught my attention in that quote, but whatever it was, I guess I kinda heard a voice that said 'I speak even when I'm silent'

I remember growing up...If you're discerning enough, you'll know that the look yo mama gave you yesterday that said "Get ur feet off the sofa" has a different meaning, today, like "How many times do I have to tell you to do the dishes after every meal?" Or "Do u realize that you are embarrassing me in front of our guest? Go to ur room, NOW" Oh my! Don't even try to picture the eye-contact and the look on that face. (I think I exaggerated a lil too much Lol) You just have to act like you heard a voice that instructed you to move, especially when you are convinced that what you're doing ain't right.

There's this feeling of relief/disappointment, when we don't hear God's audible voice at the time we really need Him to speak back to us. God doesn't always speak to us with an audible voice. If we have the mind of Christ (like we claim to) and the holy spirit to guide us, then we probably are more in line with His will than we think.

The fact that things might not be working out the way we'd love them to doesn't mean there's something we're not doing right. Well, you know urself better than I do.
Evaluating your life based on people's expectations from you can be detrimental to fulfilling God's actual plan for you. Be careful who you give access into the affairs of your life.

I've heard people say "God always speaks. We're the ones not hearing Him" Well, yes He does speak, but not always via the medium we expect; Not always with a still small voice or a voice that causes the earth to tremble.
Maybe the response you require is 'wotchu thinking, son? Don't do it!!" But instead, there's a conviction within that analyzes every possible outcome of your proposed action, and suddenly your mind is filled with unrest until to take a step. You'd actually be extremely foolish not to back off, simply because you didn't hear a voice.

We get to a certain stage in life, where we are the weighing scale of our actions; a stage where we actually know good from evil, but we still feel very adventurous, and decid to pick evil, hoping we'll have enough time to get a second shot.
Thank God for grace, but grace alone will not save us, so I guess it's time we started living right.

Two of Seven Prayers: Lord, we are not denying that we are ignorant of what is good and what is evil. Our flesh sometimes gets the better of us, and tend to cripple our ability to respond to the leading of ur spirit. Cast us not away from your presence, Lord, as we retrace our steps, and align ourselves back to the paths you originally created for us. Order our steps, daily, even when we don't Hear you speak. Amen

Work. Pray. Be Thankful!