My words were no longer persuasive enough to convince anyone. I decided to shut up. I decided to cut myself off from public sight. I stopped trying hard to please anyone or make anyone feel my presence or input, even when it was needed. I never wanted to be tolerated again, so I made up my mind to embark on a lonely journey. At a point, I tried to make a rational excuse for changing my mind and staying, but none was worth it.
“I’m not surprised that you marvel at the things I say and do. Truth be told, if I were in your shoes, I would too.” “How could you? No one has ever done that before.” “Okay. Fine. Let it be written that I was the first. In fact, that makes it more interesting and adventurous.”
The more they spoke ill, the less I listened. The more they tried to convince me with sweet words, the more I rebelled. The more they discouraged me, the more I got motivated to press forward.
I demanded for what i thot was due me. Reluctantly, my will was granted, and I felt much fulfilled. I wasn’t moved by their tears or plea; I just shoved my way through with my luggage. I ignored every single one of them and moved eastward, until their voices became faint.
I felt a bit of fresh air. Finally, I could do whatever I wanted without anyone on my neck, nagging and ordering me around.
This feeling of freedom soon turned into a nightmare. My vision became blurred, my strength failed me; the journey seemed very long and unending. My feet could barely keep me up. I exhausted all the money I had on me. I sold my clothes, sandals, wristwatches and all my belongings, cos I had to pay rent and utility bills. After spending my last dime, I had to work as a hired labourer in an old ranch.
The new people I met offered me shelter and food, cos I had already run out of stock. But their best couldn’t be compared to the worst I enjoyed back home. After a few weeks of hard labour and meager returns, thoughts began to run through my mind. Yes, I felt I needed more privacy back home; and I felt my folks were poking their nose in my business. I felt I’d be better off away from those who sincerely loved me. I felt being a man meant making my own rules, being independent, and living my life the way I deemed fit. But I was wrong. I felt miserable.
Swaddled in shame, I took off. I ran as fast as my already lean feet could carry me. I ran back to where I was treated as an heir and not a slave. I ran back to where it all started; I ran back to a loving father who didn’t rebuke me to humiliate me, but to bring out the best in me. I ran back to a home where the little that was available was appreciated and shared equally in love, with a smile of anticipation of greater things. I was willing to serve along with the slaves and other hired servants in my father’s house and not in some strange land.
On getting home, I saw my father standing outside the premises as though he was expecting me. Tears rolled off my cheeks. A feeling of acceptance drenched me as I got lost in His warm embrace. I was shocked at the welcome party I received. The whole town was summoned. There was great rejoicing. My tattered clothes were taken off and my feet were washed. After a sound bath, I was robed in a glowing garment, and oil was poured upon my head. Rams were slaughtered and a feast was prepared. There was music. There was more than enough to eat and drink. I wasn’t worthy of a second chance. I had failed my father. I begged for forgiveness, and instantly I was restored. What I felt I had lost forever was given to me in full dose.
Many of us have lost our place, simply because we walked out on our father. We no longer deserve a right to His possessions. He never intends to make you feel uncomfortable with His incessant rebuke and correction. His “thoughts toward us are thoughts of God and not of evil, to bring us to an expected end.”
No matter how far you might be from ‘Home’ you can still run back to the waiting arms of your ‘father’
But I hope that when you finally make that decision to run back, the doors will still be open. Make haste. Forget about the mistakes and hurry.
You know what? Do it NOW! Run into His waiting arms.
This blog has no definite focus. Each post is inspired by independent instances. they are written based on immediate mood. I talk about things I see, things I hear about, and i also express some thoughts based on my understanding of life. My environment also influences some of my writings. God is my ultimate inspiration. Feel free to leave a comment!
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
First and foremost; I'd like to say that God has listens to our prayers. He doesn't sleep, neither does He slumber. He will hearken to the desires of a sincere heart. With Him, it's never too late. Let's keep trusting Him. "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof; and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." Eccl 7:8. In due time, He will prove Himself mighty!
On a scale of 1 - 10, how difficult is it to share good news? 7 or maybe 8?
Okay, on a scale of 1-10, how easy is it to share a bad news? 10!!! Just highlight, copy, paste and send!
It doesn't make any logical sense, if you ask me.
Ideally, any good news should be shared with enthusiasm, especially the ones we experience personally. In just a few hours from now, millions of people across the world will be celebrating Christmas for many reasons - As just another public holiday, a day to visit friends and hangout with family, or to acknowledge the birth of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.
But how often do we sit down to reflect on how difficult our lives would have been without Jesus. Do we place enough value on SALVATION as we should?
I have come to understand that knowledge changes a man. When properly applied, it produces the desired results. Back in university, I used to be very 'spiritual.' My knowledge of God (in terms of a relationship with Him) lacked depth, and so my activities were way more than my service. I knew I loved God, and I had a passion to serve Him. But i just didn't think I was doing enough to prove that Love.
When I joined the Resistance Movement, a 'fellowship' on campus, I used to feel reluctant to stand and praise God with them, because a lot of people kept staring and wondering what I was doing there.
It was an unusual gathering. Their definition of 'fellowship' was simply amazing - not what you'd usually expect. You know, there's this expectation that if you don't have a halo over your head, walk in a certain manner, pray and shout in a certain tongue, dress very formal, or put on a firm countenance, then you're probably not serious with God.
I remember sharing invites to the Thursday meetings, along with other members of the fellowship in the Faculty of Law, Lagos State University, Ojo, when someone walked up to me and said "So you're no longer in our fellowship? You've joined them (Resistance Movement) I felt sorry for her. I felt extremely sorry for her, because she didn't know how happy I felt approaching people with a smile on my face, saying "Come and experience God"
"So that it your concern? That I'm out there trying to get people (who naturally wouldn't walk by the chapel for any reason) to come worship God in a style you feel is inappropriate?" (Those were the words that came to mind).
We were supposed to have a programme on a Thursday, (I think in one of the faculties, or so) but something truncated our plans so we decided to go to the 'most dreaded' faculty on campus, to evangelize.
Now, I happen to be one of the most reserved persons on earth (coughs) and I was like 'there's no way I was going to sit/stand face2face with someone to talk about Jesus' I'd rather just come for a service, enjoy the praise and worship, share the grace and take off.
Something significant happened that day. I tried to hide, but to no avail. I finally summoned courage and joined the group. On getting to the first floor, the crammed hallway drowned me with fear. My words started failing me before I could even utter them. I approached a dude, and it was obvious that he wasn't even interested in what I had to say.
One mistake we make is trying to impose our message on people, without preparing their hearts to receive it.
I asked him how his exams had been and what his challenges were. As soon as I was able to get him talking without any distraction, I told him how I felt every time I came into God's presence. I told him about how soothing it is to worship God, and lay down our burdens at His feet. I could feel the sincerity in his heart as he related to what I was saying. I prayed with him and left.
Something sparked up within me, and I was ready for another person.
Once again, I looked around, as I prayed for the allocated time to elapse. I approached a lecture hall and just stood @ the entrance. One of our members walked towards me, we exchanged greetings, and then he walked straight into the hall like it was his living room. I was shocked. I counted one to ten, but still couldn't motivate myself to go in.
I finally put myself together, walked into the class and just sat in front of the closest person to me.
I turned slowly until we made eye contact. I didn't know what to say - whether to start with an introduction or just say "God loves you. I'm inviting you to fellowship" Eventually, I said my hellos and asked her the same questions I asked the other guy. Apparently, her exams weren't going so well. I spoke to her in a way I had never spoken to anybody before. The words flowed freely. I didn't have to tell hear about God's love for too long. As I raised my head to look at her, I saw tears in her eyes. I knew she had a conviction inside. I struggled to hold back the tears in my eyes too. I gave her a word of assurance and quickly stood up so we wouldn't create a scene.
As I walked out of that faculty, I realized that I was trying hard to withhold a good news, not because I hadn't experienced it enough to share, but because I didn't think it was going to make sense; I thought people were going to mock me; I thought everybody would be more interested in how to prepare for the next paper than hearing me preach about God's love. But more often than not, that's exactly what they need. They need people to say 'I don't fully understand what you're going through, cos I'm not in your shoes. But I've experienced something similar, and the God that came through for me can also come through for you'
If the salvation story is good news, then why is it so difficult for us to share it? It's God's word. It’s like a seed; Just sow it. How it's going to germinate and make sense to its hearers is none of your business.
God did something wonderful in the lives of the apostles while they were in prison. And the angel of the Lord said to them "Go, stand in the temple courts, and tell the people the full message of this new life"
God's words are spirit...and they are life!
Are you sure you still want to hold back that good news?
On a scale of 1 - 10, how difficult is it to share good news? 7 or maybe 8?
Okay, on a scale of 1-10, how easy is it to share a bad news? 10!!! Just highlight, copy, paste and send!
It doesn't make any logical sense, if you ask me.
Ideally, any good news should be shared with enthusiasm, especially the ones we experience personally. In just a few hours from now, millions of people across the world will be celebrating Christmas for many reasons - As just another public holiday, a day to visit friends and hangout with family, or to acknowledge the birth of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.
But how often do we sit down to reflect on how difficult our lives would have been without Jesus. Do we place enough value on SALVATION as we should?
I have come to understand that knowledge changes a man. When properly applied, it produces the desired results. Back in university, I used to be very 'spiritual.' My knowledge of God (in terms of a relationship with Him) lacked depth, and so my activities were way more than my service. I knew I loved God, and I had a passion to serve Him. But i just didn't think I was doing enough to prove that Love.
When I joined the Resistance Movement, a 'fellowship' on campus, I used to feel reluctant to stand and praise God with them, because a lot of people kept staring and wondering what I was doing there.
It was an unusual gathering. Their definition of 'fellowship' was simply amazing - not what you'd usually expect. You know, there's this expectation that if you don't have a halo over your head, walk in a certain manner, pray and shout in a certain tongue, dress very formal, or put on a firm countenance, then you're probably not serious with God.
I remember sharing invites to the Thursday meetings, along with other members of the fellowship in the Faculty of Law, Lagos State University, Ojo, when someone walked up to me and said "So you're no longer in our fellowship? You've joined them (Resistance Movement) I felt sorry for her. I felt extremely sorry for her, because she didn't know how happy I felt approaching people with a smile on my face, saying "Come and experience God"
"So that it your concern? That I'm out there trying to get people (who naturally wouldn't walk by the chapel for any reason) to come worship God in a style you feel is inappropriate?" (Those were the words that came to mind).
We were supposed to have a programme on a Thursday, (I think in one of the faculties, or so) but something truncated our plans so we decided to go to the 'most dreaded' faculty on campus, to evangelize.
Now, I happen to be one of the most reserved persons on earth (coughs) and I was like 'there's no way I was going to sit/stand face2face with someone to talk about Jesus' I'd rather just come for a service, enjoy the praise and worship, share the grace and take off.
Something significant happened that day. I tried to hide, but to no avail. I finally summoned courage and joined the group. On getting to the first floor, the crammed hallway drowned me with fear. My words started failing me before I could even utter them. I approached a dude, and it was obvious that he wasn't even interested in what I had to say.
One mistake we make is trying to impose our message on people, without preparing their hearts to receive it.
I asked him how his exams had been and what his challenges were. As soon as I was able to get him talking without any distraction, I told him how I felt every time I came into God's presence. I told him about how soothing it is to worship God, and lay down our burdens at His feet. I could feel the sincerity in his heart as he related to what I was saying. I prayed with him and left.
Something sparked up within me, and I was ready for another person.
Once again, I looked around, as I prayed for the allocated time to elapse. I approached a lecture hall and just stood @ the entrance. One of our members walked towards me, we exchanged greetings, and then he walked straight into the hall like it was his living room. I was shocked. I counted one to ten, but still couldn't motivate myself to go in.
I finally put myself together, walked into the class and just sat in front of the closest person to me.
I turned slowly until we made eye contact. I didn't know what to say - whether to start with an introduction or just say "God loves you. I'm inviting you to fellowship" Eventually, I said my hellos and asked her the same questions I asked the other guy. Apparently, her exams weren't going so well. I spoke to her in a way I had never spoken to anybody before. The words flowed freely. I didn't have to tell hear about God's love for too long. As I raised my head to look at her, I saw tears in her eyes. I knew she had a conviction inside. I struggled to hold back the tears in my eyes too. I gave her a word of assurance and quickly stood up so we wouldn't create a scene.
As I walked out of that faculty, I realized that I was trying hard to withhold a good news, not because I hadn't experienced it enough to share, but because I didn't think it was going to make sense; I thought people were going to mock me; I thought everybody would be more interested in how to prepare for the next paper than hearing me preach about God's love. But more often than not, that's exactly what they need. They need people to say 'I don't fully understand what you're going through, cos I'm not in your shoes. But I've experienced something similar, and the God that came through for me can also come through for you'
If the salvation story is good news, then why is it so difficult for us to share it? It's God's word. It’s like a seed; Just sow it. How it's going to germinate and make sense to its hearers is none of your business.
God did something wonderful in the lives of the apostles while they were in prison. And the angel of the Lord said to them "Go, stand in the temple courts, and tell the people the full message of this new life"
God's words are spirit...and they are life!
Are you sure you still want to hold back that good news?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sit back and watch lil babies try to crawl. They do everything possible to get to their destination, even if they have to start crawling with their bellies until their hands and knees are strong enough to keep them up. After gaining some kind of experience in crawling, they try standing. Our hearts sometimes skip when we see them stagger and fall. Truth is, they like exploring, so they are not afraid of tryin and tryin again until they eventually stand without any form of support. Wouldn't you be worried if this process is reversed as they grow older? Lol
We can liking this to our present situation as believers. We've heard sermons so much that we can mimic preachers. We can quote scriptures during sword drills, or when we stand to pray. We've memorized words to eulogize God's name in our cell group meetings. We've attended seminars and revival meetings. We've never missed a Sunday school class throughout the year. Our attendance in Church is quite encouraging. As far as devotion to church activities is concerned, you always top the chart, but that would be pointless if all these are done solely out of zeal and not revelation. T.D Jakes puts it this way "We can be so busy with doing the work of the Lord, that we lose relationship with the Lord of the work"
Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40nights, and when He had finished subduing the flesh, the devil came to test Him with what He was longing for @ dt point in time - food. He was hungry, and it wouldn't have been out of place to turn the stone to bread, but He said "Man shall not live by bread 'ALONE' but by 'EVERY' word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" That it's good don't mean it's the right thing to do.
You know there are sometimes you wait on God for something n when u see a semblance of that thing, you begin to give God thanks. Take relationships for example. Personally, I struggled in one for a while. I knew that couldn't have been God's choice 4 me, but I was trying to squeeze her into the image. (Pardon me, ladies)
Permit me to be blunt, but If He/she ain't the type you can call to join hands in agreement as touching a matter, or mention the name of Jesus freely around, then it's possible that God hasn't spoken yet. You're probably hearing your own voice saying "you can convert him/him after marriage." Or the voice of your parents saying "you're getting old. All your friends are married."
Having done all (waiting on God, fasting and praying, calling forth and claiming) do you really think God wants to give you someone who will hit you or someone who will restrict you from coming into His presence? Or someone who will be pissed off when you mention the name of Jesus?
It looks like it, but you know it's not it. You try to garnish it, and quote some scriptures to justify what you're about to do.
Fam, if you weigh it against the word of God and it is found wanting, then there's no gainsaying, It may not be God speaking to you. Ask Him for clarity.
I don't know how I got here. It a process that took a while, and I sure do not want to repeat the process. We've come to a phase in our lives where it should be all about HIM. We have come this far. Going back will be the worst decision we'll ever make.
It's difficult to say "God, if this ain't your will, I'll just pass! Not my will but yours be done" But very easy to say "Lord, if I let this one slip away, who's gonna pay the bills?" "If I don't accept this Job now, I might be jobless for a very long time" That sounds like you complaining, right? But having done all to stand; having stayed up every friday night speaking in tongues and rendering the forces of darkness in your area homeless; after all the sacrifices we made just to be in church for tuesday bible study; after all the counseling sessions; having spent hours and hours reading and studying the word; after patiently seeking His face, and trusting Him to show up; having done all to stand......the least we can do is stand!
The devil will strike; situations will come to test the depth of God's word in us; trials and temptation will come to shake us, so "take up unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all to stand, STAND therefore, having ur loins girt about with truth......" Ephesians 6:13-14
The race is not easy, but may God grant us the grace to remain steadfast until we finish it...until we finish it WELL. IJN
We can liking this to our present situation as believers. We've heard sermons so much that we can mimic preachers. We can quote scriptures during sword drills, or when we stand to pray. We've memorized words to eulogize God's name in our cell group meetings. We've attended seminars and revival meetings. We've never missed a Sunday school class throughout the year. Our attendance in Church is quite encouraging. As far as devotion to church activities is concerned, you always top the chart, but that would be pointless if all these are done solely out of zeal and not revelation. T.D Jakes puts it this way "We can be so busy with doing the work of the Lord, that we lose relationship with the Lord of the work"
Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40nights, and when He had finished subduing the flesh, the devil came to test Him with what He was longing for @ dt point in time - food. He was hungry, and it wouldn't have been out of place to turn the stone to bread, but He said "Man shall not live by bread 'ALONE' but by 'EVERY' word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" That it's good don't mean it's the right thing to do.
You know there are sometimes you wait on God for something n when u see a semblance of that thing, you begin to give God thanks. Take relationships for example. Personally, I struggled in one for a while. I knew that couldn't have been God's choice 4 me, but I was trying to squeeze her into the image. (Pardon me, ladies)
Permit me to be blunt, but If He/she ain't the type you can call to join hands in agreement as touching a matter, or mention the name of Jesus freely around, then it's possible that God hasn't spoken yet. You're probably hearing your own voice saying "you can convert him/him after marriage." Or the voice of your parents saying "you're getting old. All your friends are married."
Having done all (waiting on God, fasting and praying, calling forth and claiming) do you really think God wants to give you someone who will hit you or someone who will restrict you from coming into His presence? Or someone who will be pissed off when you mention the name of Jesus?
It looks like it, but you know it's not it. You try to garnish it, and quote some scriptures to justify what you're about to do.
Fam, if you weigh it against the word of God and it is found wanting, then there's no gainsaying, It may not be God speaking to you. Ask Him for clarity.
I don't know how I got here. It a process that took a while, and I sure do not want to repeat the process. We've come to a phase in our lives where it should be all about HIM. We have come this far. Going back will be the worst decision we'll ever make.
It's difficult to say "God, if this ain't your will, I'll just pass! Not my will but yours be done" But very easy to say "Lord, if I let this one slip away, who's gonna pay the bills?" "If I don't accept this Job now, I might be jobless for a very long time" That sounds like you complaining, right? But having done all to stand; having stayed up every friday night speaking in tongues and rendering the forces of darkness in your area homeless; after all the sacrifices we made just to be in church for tuesday bible study; after all the counseling sessions; having spent hours and hours reading and studying the word; after patiently seeking His face, and trusting Him to show up; having done all to stand......the least we can do is stand!
The devil will strike; situations will come to test the depth of God's word in us; trials and temptation will come to shake us, so "take up unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all to stand, STAND therefore, having ur loins girt about with truth......" Ephesians 6:13-14
The race is not easy, but may God grant us the grace to remain steadfast until we finish it...until we finish it WELL. IJN
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
When God wants to train a rugged n righteous soldier, He keeps him on his feet all the way - day and night, always alert subconsciously. He denies him hours of sleep and unnecessary excesses.
Some trainees opt out of the command just before they are inducted. (Ask jesus - making disciples was a hard nut to crack). It takes years of (but not limited to) strict grooming and observation, stepping on toes, ugly moments, hard lessons to learn from, and even rejection. He doesn't alwayz position the trainee in the midst of people of like minds, or in the most comfortable places where he'll be accepted, treated well and endowed with the pampering due him.
The trainee has the privilege of choosing his own platoon (absolutely based on his/discretion).
He puts Him in the midst of wolves, to learn the act of defense, endurance and survival - absorbing pain, yet standing strong. The aim of the training is to produce a fully-fortified soldier who will not stagger in battle. A soldier who will NOT be carried away by activities. A soldier who is not scared of confronting the truth and defending his alma mater. A soldier who will look back and thank HIM for the training. A soldier who will alwayz have the back of fellow soldiers. Are you one??
Some trainees opt out of the command just before they are inducted. (Ask jesus - making disciples was a hard nut to crack). It takes years of (but not limited to) strict grooming and observation, stepping on toes, ugly moments, hard lessons to learn from, and even rejection. He doesn't alwayz position the trainee in the midst of people of like minds, or in the most comfortable places where he'll be accepted, treated well and endowed with the pampering due him.
The trainee has the privilege of choosing his own platoon (absolutely based on his/discretion).
He puts Him in the midst of wolves, to learn the act of defense, endurance and survival - absorbing pain, yet standing strong. The aim of the training is to produce a fully-fortified soldier who will not stagger in battle. A soldier who will NOT be carried away by activities. A soldier who is not scared of confronting the truth and defending his alma mater. A soldier who will look back and thank HIM for the training. A soldier who will alwayz have the back of fellow soldiers. Are you one??
"He gives beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning, peace for despair" Good is good, not because we say so, but He really is. His thoughts towards us are thoughts of good and not of evil.
What is our reason for coming before the altar? To always ask Him for stuff? Do we only run to Him when we need Him to do something for us? How much time do we spend worshiping Him for who He is and not what He can do?
There is something about God that some Christians are yet to experience. David was just gangster. He knew how to embarrass God with praise and worship, prompting Him to show up.
I remember those days when we'd play around our parents, call them names, help them carry stuff, ask them what they'd like us to do for them, just so they might be in a good mood before we make our requests known unto them. David Knew that no matter how much he sinned against God, God would not despise a broken and a contrite heart.
Are there still people who just go down on their knees for the sole purpose of worshiping Him without any strings attached? Yes, we all have needs, but isn't God able to do exceedingly MORE than we can ask or think? Are we always hungry for bread? Is that it?
Tommy Tenney puts it this way "We have lost the art of adoring the Lord. Our worship gets so cluttered with endless strings of shallow and insincere words that all we do most of the time is 'take up space' or 'put in prayer time' with passionless monologue that even God must ignore"
So beyond the wish list, beyond our needs and beyond what we can get from Him, He desires that every believer should worship Him in spirit and in truth. Let's come before Him with a sacrifice of praise.
Soldiers, when we spend time in the place of worship, God is elated. He blesses us even before we ask (we still need to make our requests known). He is moved to make a way for us. Don't let anything distract you when you come into God's presence. Create a melody in your heart and go before His throne of grace with thanksgiving. He delights in it.
David said "But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy Holy temple" Psalm 5:7
In the midst of trials and temptations, worship Him. When all hope is lost and there's no one else to turn to, worship Him. To be frank, even our sins debar Him from reaching out to us. And so He says "IF my people, who are called by my name WILL humble themselves and PRAY, and seek my FACE, and TURN from their wicked ways, then will I HEAR from heaven and will FORGIVE their Sins and will HEAL their land."
Finally, I was shocked when I stumbled upon this scripture "God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him, but if a sinner becomes wealthy, God takes the wealth away and gives it to those who please him...." Ecc 2:36 NLT
Constantly thirst for His presence. Don't be ashamed to go down on your knees in worship, no matter where you find yourself. God will show up in the midst of a five people, the same way He'll manifest His presence in the congregation of a million people. Make every moment spent in his presence count. Make it a priority to please Him in all you do. Then will your prayers be accepted in His sight, and your mouth be filled with testimonies.
God bless us!
What is our reason for coming before the altar? To always ask Him for stuff? Do we only run to Him when we need Him to do something for us? How much time do we spend worshiping Him for who He is and not what He can do?
There is something about God that some Christians are yet to experience. David was just gangster. He knew how to embarrass God with praise and worship, prompting Him to show up.
I remember those days when we'd play around our parents, call them names, help them carry stuff, ask them what they'd like us to do for them, just so they might be in a good mood before we make our requests known unto them. David Knew that no matter how much he sinned against God, God would not despise a broken and a contrite heart.
Are there still people who just go down on their knees for the sole purpose of worshiping Him without any strings attached? Yes, we all have needs, but isn't God able to do exceedingly MORE than we can ask or think? Are we always hungry for bread? Is that it?
Tommy Tenney puts it this way "We have lost the art of adoring the Lord. Our worship gets so cluttered with endless strings of shallow and insincere words that all we do most of the time is 'take up space' or 'put in prayer time' with passionless monologue that even God must ignore"
So beyond the wish list, beyond our needs and beyond what we can get from Him, He desires that every believer should worship Him in spirit and in truth. Let's come before Him with a sacrifice of praise.
Soldiers, when we spend time in the place of worship, God is elated. He blesses us even before we ask (we still need to make our requests known). He is moved to make a way for us. Don't let anything distract you when you come into God's presence. Create a melody in your heart and go before His throne of grace with thanksgiving. He delights in it.
David said "But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy Holy temple" Psalm 5:7
In the midst of trials and temptations, worship Him. When all hope is lost and there's no one else to turn to, worship Him. To be frank, even our sins debar Him from reaching out to us. And so He says "IF my people, who are called by my name WILL humble themselves and PRAY, and seek my FACE, and TURN from their wicked ways, then will I HEAR from heaven and will FORGIVE their Sins and will HEAL their land."
Finally, I was shocked when I stumbled upon this scripture "God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him, but if a sinner becomes wealthy, God takes the wealth away and gives it to those who please him...." Ecc 2:36 NLT
Constantly thirst for His presence. Don't be ashamed to go down on your knees in worship, no matter where you find yourself. God will show up in the midst of a five people, the same way He'll manifest His presence in the congregation of a million people. Make every moment spent in his presence count. Make it a priority to please Him in all you do. Then will your prayers be accepted in His sight, and your mouth be filled with testimonies.
God bless us!
On my way to church, yesterday, I entered a bus terrorized by a mosquito. Everybody was tryna kill it, but to no avail. Then the next thing I heard, a woman yelled "it is a monitoring spirit." I paused for a while...waiting for the mosquito to come my way so I could kill it, to show her it was just a regular blood-sucking insect.
I didn't even bother turning to see her face. I may be wrong, but I could imagine her top 5 most prayed 'prayer' points would be in the line of ‘fall and die and Er.... :x ‘ #MovingOn
Sometimes, we spend more time binding and casting than just claiming God's promises for us, by faith (not positive confessions). Good naturally drives evil away, and darkness, obviously cannot comprehend light.
"If our ways please God, He makes even our enemies at peace with us" Emphasis on 'PLEASE"Anywayz, More often than not, Life doesn't give us what we desire or deserve, but what we demand of it. Before this year, my going to the hospital in d name of malaria parasite or typhoid was 2ce annually. In as much as I hated the feeling, I knew I wasn't praying enough to get rid of the cycle.
When we pray and we don't get results, it's not because God doesn't 'hear' or there's something wrong with Him, rather it's cos the process is faulty, impotent and probably lacking any sense of direction. If we pray outta respect for the prayer leader or service coordinator and not out of necessity or an urge, tendencies are that we're just trying to appear persistent in uttering words.
"Though weeping may endure for a night, Joy comes in the morning"
"If you being evil can give good gifts, how much more your heavenly father"
"I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread" All these scriptures are very soothing to the ears, but Some of us have wept for nights, yet the ‘said’ joy has eluded us. The righteous don't only beg for bread now, they also beg for what to eat it with. We're so sure that the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof, but we don't take advantage of that knowledge.
The children of Israel were heading to the promise land. They were convinced that God was with them, but they wanted to go back to Egypt, where they'd be suffering and smiling; where there was food and wine. They thought the ONLY way to live was to eat. Hmmm....That's for another day. They were willing to adjust their life to suit their circumstances, and not the other way round.
I know a friend who was born into a Muslim family. Somehow, he got born again and started going to church. Before he became saved, he would always dream of being pursued by someone or something. As a matter of fact, any night he didn't dream of being pursued, he probably did not have a good sleep. He found himself running towards a cliff on every occasion, and then he'd wake up with stomach upset. He became born again, but the thing still persisted. He finally got tired and confronted it in prayer. Gradually it went from occurring every other night to Not occurring at all. His prayer was consistent and had its premise on the WORD.
God's desire is that all men would be saved, but not all men WILL be saved. John 3:16 "ANYONE who believes shall be saved..." In other words, there are a lot of promises and declarations that will NOT come to pass in our lives except we BELIEVE.
Yes, by Christ's stripes we are healed (e dey bible), but James 5:14 says "is there any sick among you...Call the elders, let them pray...the prayer of faith will heal him"
Verse 16 says "Admit your faults one to another, and pray for each other so that you may be healed" There's power in agreement.
If there's no result at the end of persistent ‘prayers’, then obviously we've wasted our time. Two heads CANNOT be better than one if they are thinking in opposite directions - if they don't agree. When you join hands to pray, let's make sure we’re on the same page. Follow up on prayer requests (not casually). Monitor the process. Have faith. And God will definitely show up.
I didn't even bother turning to see her face. I may be wrong, but I could imagine her top 5 most prayed 'prayer' points would be in the line of ‘fall and die and Er.... :x ‘ #MovingOn
Sometimes, we spend more time binding and casting than just claiming God's promises for us, by faith (not positive confessions). Good naturally drives evil away, and darkness, obviously cannot comprehend light.
"If our ways please God, He makes even our enemies at peace with us" Emphasis on 'PLEASE"Anywayz, More often than not, Life doesn't give us what we desire or deserve, but what we demand of it. Before this year, my going to the hospital in d name of malaria parasite or typhoid was 2ce annually. In as much as I hated the feeling, I knew I wasn't praying enough to get rid of the cycle.
When we pray and we don't get results, it's not because God doesn't 'hear' or there's something wrong with Him, rather it's cos the process is faulty, impotent and probably lacking any sense of direction. If we pray outta respect for the prayer leader or service coordinator and not out of necessity or an urge, tendencies are that we're just trying to appear persistent in uttering words.
"Though weeping may endure for a night, Joy comes in the morning"
"If you being evil can give good gifts, how much more your heavenly father"
"I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread" All these scriptures are very soothing to the ears, but Some of us have wept for nights, yet the ‘said’ joy has eluded us. The righteous don't only beg for bread now, they also beg for what to eat it with. We're so sure that the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof, but we don't take advantage of that knowledge.
The children of Israel were heading to the promise land. They were convinced that God was with them, but they wanted to go back to Egypt, where they'd be suffering and smiling; where there was food and wine. They thought the ONLY way to live was to eat. Hmmm....That's for another day. They were willing to adjust their life to suit their circumstances, and not the other way round.
I know a friend who was born into a Muslim family. Somehow, he got born again and started going to church. Before he became saved, he would always dream of being pursued by someone or something. As a matter of fact, any night he didn't dream of being pursued, he probably did not have a good sleep. He found himself running towards a cliff on every occasion, and then he'd wake up with stomach upset. He became born again, but the thing still persisted. He finally got tired and confronted it in prayer. Gradually it went from occurring every other night to Not occurring at all. His prayer was consistent and had its premise on the WORD.
God's desire is that all men would be saved, but not all men WILL be saved. John 3:16 "ANYONE who believes shall be saved..." In other words, there are a lot of promises and declarations that will NOT come to pass in our lives except we BELIEVE.
Yes, by Christ's stripes we are healed (e dey bible), but James 5:14 says "is there any sick among you...Call the elders, let them pray...the prayer of faith will heal him"
Verse 16 says "Admit your faults one to another, and pray for each other so that you may be healed" There's power in agreement.
If there's no result at the end of persistent ‘prayers’, then obviously we've wasted our time. Two heads CANNOT be better than one if they are thinking in opposite directions - if they don't agree. When you join hands to pray, let's make sure we’re on the same page. Follow up on prayer requests (not casually). Monitor the process. Have faith. And God will definitely show up.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
i woke up this morning like i barely even slept. i guess it was because I had something very important to do, something I was thinking about till shortly before midnight. I got in and outta the shower in a few minutes, and i was ready to hit the road.
I started making phone calls, tweeting, sending IMs, and fixing appointments as I walked down the road.
I had a lot of reasons to thank God. it was finally time to start fulfilling my dreams (Not like I haven't already started, but the step i was about to take was a very monumental one) . I prepared my heart and mind towards this day, gathering as much experience as i could, and of course, i even had to convince my self that i was doing the right thing. I changed my mind as i was led, or should I say "As the situation demanded"? (Too much excitement could lead you into doing something really stupid at times, u know?).
I took a chill pill, and decided to talk to someone about it.The outcome of the conversation made me even happier.
i went ahead to do other things i had planned for the day, and just as i was about getting to the house this evening to share the good news with my folks, i decided to tweet about God's goodness and faithfulness.
After a few words of appreciation, i came across a friend's tweet that read "we lost a queen, today. listening to her works @ Ex-O's. Nelo rest in peace ma" Huhhhh...I read it again just to be sure I wasn't seeing things ..words failed countenance dropped and tears flowed freely.
My tempo reduced as I tried to comprehend what i just i tried to deny i tried to wish it away.
Life - you thank God for good news, and in less than 90 seconds, you get knocked off ur feet with a sad one, and you're not sure whether to thank God for that too, or just burst into tears, stuttering "God, why? why? why does it have to be someone so sweet? why does it have to be someone with a good heart...someone with a warm spirit? why does it have to be someone so nice?"
It was difficult, but i sought for reasons to thank God.
Chinelo was very loving and caring...truly gifted and talented. She encouraged me in so many ways words fail to express. I can hardly recall a dull moment spent around her.
She was one of the people who introduced me to the 'Rugged n Righteous' family, and made me stay.
Chinelo, I know you are reading this note. I know you are in a better place, where there's no sickness or pain. You will always be a part of my success story (and that of many others).
I pray that God will grant her family, and we her friends, the fortitude to bear this GREAT loss.
Our tears can't bring you back, but we rejoice knowing you are resting peacefully in the arms of the Creator.
May Heaven receive your soul, chinelo!
Rest in Perfect peace, my friend.
Till we meet again...Adieu
Love you, always!

I started making phone calls, tweeting, sending IMs, and fixing appointments as I walked down the road.
I had a lot of reasons to thank God. it was finally time to start fulfilling my dreams (Not like I haven't already started, but the step i was about to take was a very monumental one) . I prepared my heart and mind towards this day, gathering as much experience as i could, and of course, i even had to convince my self that i was doing the right thing. I changed my mind as i was led, or should I say "As the situation demanded"? (Too much excitement could lead you into doing something really stupid at times, u know?).
I took a chill pill, and decided to talk to someone about it.The outcome of the conversation made me even happier.
i went ahead to do other things i had planned for the day, and just as i was about getting to the house this evening to share the good news with my folks, i decided to tweet about God's goodness and faithfulness.
After a few words of appreciation, i came across a friend's tweet that read "we lost a queen, today. listening to her works @ Ex-O's. Nelo rest in peace ma" Huhhhh...I read it again just to be sure I wasn't seeing things ..words failed countenance dropped and tears flowed freely.
My tempo reduced as I tried to comprehend what i just i tried to deny i tried to wish it away.
Life - you thank God for good news, and in less than 90 seconds, you get knocked off ur feet with a sad one, and you're not sure whether to thank God for that too, or just burst into tears, stuttering "God, why? why? why does it have to be someone so sweet? why does it have to be someone with a good heart...someone with a warm spirit? why does it have to be someone so nice?"
It was difficult, but i sought for reasons to thank God.
Chinelo was very loving and caring...truly gifted and talented. She encouraged me in so many ways words fail to express. I can hardly recall a dull moment spent around her.
She was one of the people who introduced me to the 'Rugged n Righteous' family, and made me stay.
Chinelo, I know you are reading this note. I know you are in a better place, where there's no sickness or pain. You will always be a part of my success story (and that of many others).
I pray that God will grant her family, and we her friends, the fortitude to bear this GREAT loss.
Our tears can't bring you back, but we rejoice knowing you are resting peacefully in the arms of the Creator.
May Heaven receive your soul, chinelo!
Rest in Perfect peace, my friend.
Till we meet again...Adieu
Love you, always!
You see what you feel better than you feel what you see. I know it sounds ludicrous and somewhat confusing, but the truth is ….your action today is a product of yesterday’s imagination…a creation of last week’s thought…and maybe a reaction to what you saw last month.
We dream everyday. We wish everyday. We crave everyday….for those things we see in the dead of the night as we lay selflessly in the comfort of our beds…snoring away, oblivious of the sequence of time…ignorant of the activities that take place without our authorization.
Sometimes the mind works harder than the hand, cos we see ourselves doing greater things than we’re currently doing. This sometimes forms the premise for our prayers, our faith. We think to ourselves, “is this actually what God wants me to do? Is this who I really am?
That teenage girl with leukemia walks around as though she’s got a “sickness free” card, simply because she was told to ignore her ailment, and pretend to live a normal life. Her fate was already revealed to her. She has but a little while to stay alive.
So why is she always happy? Why does she chuckle when whispered to? Why does she still say “i will live long to declare his goodness”? …what goodness, if i may ask? Is it the type that ignores the fact that people still want to have you around them for a very long time?
I’ll tell you what keeps her happy, always.
She still has dreams that are not bound by health status. One thing that keeps her strong and alive is that which she sees with the eyes of her heart…that which she sees when she gazes into the skies, with her eyes shut.
She doesn’t seek for a miracle…she doesn’t wish the pains in her bones to seize…because the strength to live doesn’t lie in the potency of the bones.
It’s very easy to build castles in the air…it’s very easy to see ourselves owning empires and fleets of cars in our minds…it’s even easier for us to right down a list of a billion things we wish we had…and a few things we wish we didn’t have.
Some of us dream big. Some of us create preposterous images in our mind. They can come to pass only when we believe…if we believe and work towards them.
You can see a harvest in your mind, without having a hoe in hand.
Getting reality to meet our desires is one difficult task that cannot be solved mathematically.
Keep dreaming big. Keep working hard(er). You might just build that castle in the air…and I mean it, literally!!!
But don’t be lost in your fantasies….snap back to reality, once in a while, lol
We dream everyday. We wish everyday. We crave everyday….for those things we see in the dead of the night as we lay selflessly in the comfort of our beds…snoring away, oblivious of the sequence of time…ignorant of the activities that take place without our authorization.
Sometimes the mind works harder than the hand, cos we see ourselves doing greater things than we’re currently doing. This sometimes forms the premise for our prayers, our faith. We think to ourselves, “is this actually what God wants me to do? Is this who I really am?
That teenage girl with leukemia walks around as though she’s got a “sickness free” card, simply because she was told to ignore her ailment, and pretend to live a normal life. Her fate was already revealed to her. She has but a little while to stay alive.
So why is she always happy? Why does she chuckle when whispered to? Why does she still say “i will live long to declare his goodness”? …what goodness, if i may ask? Is it the type that ignores the fact that people still want to have you around them for a very long time?
I’ll tell you what keeps her happy, always.
She still has dreams that are not bound by health status. One thing that keeps her strong and alive is that which she sees with the eyes of her heart…that which she sees when she gazes into the skies, with her eyes shut.
She doesn’t seek for a miracle…she doesn’t wish the pains in her bones to seize…because the strength to live doesn’t lie in the potency of the bones.
It’s very easy to build castles in the air…it’s very easy to see ourselves owning empires and fleets of cars in our minds…it’s even easier for us to right down a list of a billion things we wish we had…and a few things we wish we didn’t have.
Some of us dream big. Some of us create preposterous images in our mind. They can come to pass only when we believe…if we believe and work towards them.
You can see a harvest in your mind, without having a hoe in hand.
Getting reality to meet our desires is one difficult task that cannot be solved mathematically.
Keep dreaming big. Keep working hard(er). You might just build that castle in the air…and I mean it, literally!!!
But don’t be lost in your fantasies….snap back to reality, once in a while, lol
The dailies are always filled with strange stories – tragic, motivating,
inspiring, daring; the list is just endless. On television, we see a lot of
bizarre things, like people sharing disheartening experiences, stories of
how they almost committed suicide because of incessant problems; some
sharing testimonies of how they overcame one setback or the other; and some
forecasts of disasters…(I wonder why people would appear on my TV set,
forecasting a disaster)
*Hisses and continues typing*
I get very excited when I hear people say "I was jobless for about 8 years,
but now I have a good job with a fat salary and several benefits to go with
it" or "I really can't explain what happened. All I know is, God is
Some are not able to express their joy with words, instead, they burst into
tears, and (sometimes) you can’t but cry along, not because you understand what
they've been through, but because you can sense the sincerity of thanksgiving inhabiting
their hearts.
I had an appointment with the doc, one morning. Since the check-up was
scheduled to take place between 7am and 8am, I thought to myself, I should
be back in the office around 9am, max, cos I had a meeting slated for 10:15.
I got to the hospital around 8am, but didn't get my card until about an hour
later. Getting really upset, I started tweeting my feelings to the world,
complaining about how people never like to keep to time (ref 2 d doc). It
was already past 8, n d doc hasn't started attended to the patients. I was
the 22nd person to get to the emergency ward, and that alone was enough to
tell me that I was going to tarry there a lil longer than I envisaged.
2hrs rolled by, and then 3hrs. At the fourth hour, I was called into the
doc’s office. The check up didn't last up to 4mins. I was like "is dat all?
After about 4hrs?" After about 15mins, i was done!
I left the hospital feeling very good, better than I’ve been feeling for the
past 9days.... then it dawned on me that if I had left the hospital, like I
was already planning to do, I would have had to reschedule the appointment,
and remain very uncomfortable for a week – I won’t be typing this note, now!
When we wait on God for something specific, let’s always have this at the
back of our minds “His thoughts towards us are thoughts of good and not of
evil, and He will never neglect us as long as we are in right standing with
Him!” This is enough to assurance!
Just act right!
God is not deaf. He's not blind, neither is He dumb! He hears us when we cry
unto Him. He sees the intents of our heart. He will never lie nor deceive
us. If He doesn’t respond now, maybe it’s cos He feels you won’t be able to
handle it, immediately! He is never too late to act. We are the ones always
in a hurry.
Does a patient have a choice?
If we think He is not swift enough to grant our requests, we might as well
go and grant them ourselves. But if we go to Him with our supplications,
knowing we can't get things done by our power or with our physical
resources, then every second, minute, hour, day, month or even year, is
worth waiting for.
It's not as easy as it sounds, but trust me... it can be easier than it
Please, feel free to share this.
Have a wonderful weekend!
inspiring, daring; the list is just endless. On television, we see a lot of
bizarre things, like people sharing disheartening experiences, stories of
how they almost committed suicide because of incessant problems; some
sharing testimonies of how they overcame one setback or the other; and some
forecasts of disasters…(I wonder why people would appear on my TV set,
forecasting a disaster)
*Hisses and continues typing*
I get very excited when I hear people say "I was jobless for about 8 years,
but now I have a good job with a fat salary and several benefits to go with
it" or "I really can't explain what happened. All I know is, God is
Some are not able to express their joy with words, instead, they burst into
tears, and (sometimes) you can’t but cry along, not because you understand what
they've been through, but because you can sense the sincerity of thanksgiving inhabiting
their hearts.
I had an appointment with the doc, one morning. Since the check-up was
scheduled to take place between 7am and 8am, I thought to myself, I should
be back in the office around 9am, max, cos I had a meeting slated for 10:15.
I got to the hospital around 8am, but didn't get my card until about an hour
later. Getting really upset, I started tweeting my feelings to the world,
complaining about how people never like to keep to time (ref 2 d doc). It
was already past 8, n d doc hasn't started attended to the patients. I was
the 22nd person to get to the emergency ward, and that alone was enough to
tell me that I was going to tarry there a lil longer than I envisaged.
2hrs rolled by, and then 3hrs. At the fourth hour, I was called into the
doc’s office. The check up didn't last up to 4mins. I was like "is dat all?
After about 4hrs?" After about 15mins, i was done!
I left the hospital feeling very good, better than I’ve been feeling for the
past 9days.... then it dawned on me that if I had left the hospital, like I
was already planning to do, I would have had to reschedule the appointment,
and remain very uncomfortable for a week – I won’t be typing this note, now!
When we wait on God for something specific, let’s always have this at the
back of our minds “His thoughts towards us are thoughts of good and not of
evil, and He will never neglect us as long as we are in right standing with
Him!” This is enough to assurance!
Just act right!
God is not deaf. He's not blind, neither is He dumb! He hears us when we cry
unto Him. He sees the intents of our heart. He will never lie nor deceive
us. If He doesn’t respond now, maybe it’s cos He feels you won’t be able to
handle it, immediately! He is never too late to act. We are the ones always
in a hurry.
Does a patient have a choice?
If we think He is not swift enough to grant our requests, we might as well
go and grant them ourselves. But if we go to Him with our supplications,
knowing we can't get things done by our power or with our physical
resources, then every second, minute, hour, day, month or even year, is
worth waiting for.
It's not as easy as it sounds, but trust me... it can be easier than it
Please, feel free to share this.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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