On my way to church, yesterday, I entered a bus terrorized by a mosquito. Everybody was tryna kill it, but to no avail. Then the next thing I heard, a woman yelled "it is a monitoring spirit." I paused for a while...waiting for the mosquito to come my way so I could kill it, to show her it was just a regular blood-sucking insect.
I didn't even bother turning to see her face. I may be wrong, but I could imagine her top 5 most prayed 'prayer' points would be in the line of ‘fall and die and Er.... :x ‘ #MovingOn
Sometimes, we spend more time binding and casting than just claiming God's promises for us, by faith (not positive confessions). Good naturally drives evil away, and darkness, obviously cannot comprehend light.
"If our ways please God, He makes even our enemies at peace with us" Emphasis on 'PLEASE"Anywayz, More often than not, Life doesn't give us what we desire or deserve, but what we demand of it. Before this year, my going to the hospital in d name of malaria parasite or typhoid was 2ce annually. In as much as I hated the feeling, I knew I wasn't praying enough to get rid of the cycle.
When we pray and we don't get results, it's not because God doesn't 'hear' or there's something wrong with Him, rather it's cos the process is faulty, impotent and probably lacking any sense of direction. If we pray outta respect for the prayer leader or service coordinator and not out of necessity or an urge, tendencies are that we're just trying to appear persistent in uttering words.
"Though weeping may endure for a night, Joy comes in the morning"
"If you being evil can give good gifts, how much more your heavenly father"
"I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread" All these scriptures are very soothing to the ears, but Some of us have wept for nights, yet the ‘said’ joy has eluded us. The righteous don't only beg for bread now, they also beg for what to eat it with. We're so sure that the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof, but we don't take advantage of that knowledge.
The children of Israel were heading to the promise land. They were convinced that God was with them, but they wanted to go back to Egypt, where they'd be suffering and smiling; where there was food and wine. They thought the ONLY way to live was to eat. Hmmm....That's for another day. They were willing to adjust their life to suit their circumstances, and not the other way round.
I know a friend who was born into a Muslim family. Somehow, he got born again and started going to church. Before he became saved, he would always dream of being pursued by someone or something. As a matter of fact, any night he didn't dream of being pursued, he probably did not have a good sleep. He found himself running towards a cliff on every occasion, and then he'd wake up with stomach upset. He became born again, but the thing still persisted. He finally got tired and confronted it in prayer. Gradually it went from occurring every other night to Not occurring at all. His prayer was consistent and had its premise on the WORD.
God's desire is that all men would be saved, but not all men WILL be saved. John 3:16 "ANYONE who believes shall be saved..." In other words, there are a lot of promises and declarations that will NOT come to pass in our lives except we BELIEVE.
Yes, by Christ's stripes we are healed (e dey bible), but James 5:14 says "is there any sick among you...Call the elders, let them pray...the prayer of faith will heal him"
Verse 16 says "Admit your faults one to another, and pray for each other so that you may be healed" There's power in agreement.
If there's no result at the end of persistent ‘prayers’, then obviously we've wasted our time. Two heads CANNOT be better than one if they are thinking in opposite directions - if they don't agree. When you join hands to pray, let's make sure we’re on the same page. Follow up on prayer requests (not casually). Monitor the process. Have faith. And God will definitely show up.
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