YOU ARE GOD ALONE by Marvin Sapp…(Song lyrics)
“There’s no question of your greatness, no searching of your power.
All the wonder of your glory; to you, forty years is but one hour.
Your knowledge is all encompassing, to your wisdom there is no end;
For you alone are God, you are God alone.
Your mercy is everlasting; your truth is here always.
You are He who was, and is, and is to come.
Who is he that can number your days?
You flung the sun to burn in space, and the night’s moon powers light from day;
You are God alone”
This song is on my Favourite playlist…one of my all-time best songs. If you can, please, get a copy. God’s greatness is beyond Human comprehension. To His wisdom, there is no end. God is God, irrespective of what we think, how we feel, or what we say. There is none like Him. We need Him now, more than ever. I’m going to be dwelling on a relationship with Him for a while.
Some days ago, I questioned God. “Lord, why is it that I asked for something that was NOT outside your will and when I got it (I think), it slipped away (though I might be wrong).” I didn’t wait for a response, because I felt very foolish afterwards (I’m yet to understand why some things happen). I realized that God owed/owes me no explanation (well most times). Abraham didn't Him why He wanted him to kill his only son. I chose to follow Him. I chose His WILL over mine. I chose to depend on Him in every situation – good or bad, thick or thin, rough or smooth.
We like to read the sweet portions of the scriptures, and that’s why we get knocked off guard when certain things come to try our faith in HIM. (Notice I said ‘we’?). Believers are NOT immune to challenges or defeat. Some say “But God, I serve you with all I have – time and resources, why can’t you just grant me this little favour?” or “God, I prayed and fasted oooo, but you still let them take my Job” And so? It’s no longer about what we want to offer/give to get what we want/need? Many of us have mastered the ‘act of taking.’ But do we really give Him thanks for the little He has already done? Do we show sincere gratitude?
I spent a few minutes with some kids in church, yesterday. We were talking about ‘The Attitude of Gratitude’ – the last topic they dwelled upon before 2010 came to a halt. It’s amazing how kids just ‘want this’ and ‘want that,’ and when they don’t receive, they get really pissed and unmotivated to do anything. They even forget that you granted their previous request. “Do you have a job? Can you afford to buy a house, provide meals for your siblings and even pay your school fees?” I asked a kid. I’m sure you have an idea of what his response was. “Always say thank you to your parents, even when they don’t give you what to ask for, when you really need it. After all, some kids don’t even have the luxury of making personal requests,” I concluded. Now, I’m saying this to you! Appreciate the fact that you have a father that Listens and is always willing to grant the desires of your heart, as long as they are in line with His word.
You don’t have to be thankful to God ONLY when your needs are met. If gratefulness could be measured in ounces, ours (will) most likely reduce in weight, in times of need – lack, unavailability.
Okay. You didn’t get the promotion you’ve been praying for, you haven’t moved into your own apartment, your car is still milking you dry, the bills are piling up, but there must be something you’re grateful for, in addition to life, of course. If God’s thoughts towards us are thoughts of God, I’m pretty sure He wouldn’t want anything less for us. It might take time, but He’s never late. Just make sure you’re living a godly life.
“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race [is] not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” Eccl 9:11.
Develop a heart of gratitude, while you pray and expect that big break. Worship Him for He is, not just for what He has done or can do.
“Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe” Heb 12:28
Don’t reserve your gratitude for the season of abundance alone. Be grateful, always.
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